It was an adventure let me tell you!!!!! We went with friends, Dan and Kirsten. The plan was to sleep in the tent in Tiffany's backward...should be interesting!
The entire 6 hour car ride back (plus a stop for lunch and Cabela's) I debated on the layout I would make for this post...I do enjoy lists so I decided to go with it! Don't worry...I will elaborate where needed!
-left at noon Friday...arrived at 11:00pm that night
(traffic was horrible from Vancouver to Everett, one quick stop at Burgerville, a rest stop with a HUGE arborvitae and two missed ferry's)
-the view in the morning was to die for...the house was on the water!
-we hung out at the beach while they were at the wedding they didn't want to go to
-the groom's grandma asked why they weren't serving hot dogs at the wedding...after is hot dog month (crazy granny!)
-the boys got kicked out of the wedding when we showed up to pick them up...the bride made sure NO one she didn't know was invited (i.e. girlfriends of the guests) when she saw us the groom made sure the boys split...
-we went to Mt. Constitution
-we went to bed early...we heard the "night" show of more wasted people...and more wasted people...they sang, danced, and stripped again...the title of the blog came from this part...we heard screams of "This is the cut!!! This is the cut!!!" When a song they enjoyed came on...oh wait that was EVERY song! HYSTERICAL!!!
-we woke up VERY early to get to the Ferry so we could make it on by 9:00am
-we arrived in Portland by 5:00pm
Quick Trip but some VERY good times and adventures!
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