This Thanksgiving I was not looking forward to. I knew I would miss my Nannie terribly but also knew I would survive. After getting some advice (advice is stuff you already know, people just need to remind you) from a wonderful friend, I remembered that I didn't need to run away from my feelings by leaving town or anything like that...I need to feel my feelings and be with my feelings. I was sad, but it turned out to be a good day. I had pancakes for breakfast...laid around the house for a bit and then headed to mom's house. We picked up my grandmother and were off to Washougal to have a feast with my Aunt Sue and Uncle Mike. Among the guests were my two favorite...The A-Team! They are so darn cute! Even when they were upset and very tired they were too cute!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and had a lot to be thankful for!
Aubrey before the feast!

Aubrey after the feast...eating takes a lot out of a girl!

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