Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Winter Break...
Day #6
Christmas Eve...we have added 4 babies to our family since April 15th. Two more will be there for next Christmas eve...none will be from me! yeah for other's babies that I can love on and give back!
The year of babies...In other happenings: there was a major plumbing issue at Grandma's house...but that didn't stop the "guys" from doing the dishes and Cousin Jeff got new undies finally!
Aubrey just smiling away...she was already in her jammies! Done with the Christmas dress!
Skylar had the cutest snowman leg warmers on! She is a doll!

Jeff got a new pair of undies!
Rylee LOVES the camera! Anytime you even pointed it at her she smiled! It was insane!
Adison finally calmed down...these babies were soooo tired!!!!
Rylee has developed a nice rat tail!

Cousin and Uncle doing the dishes by hand and dumping the water in the yard due to a small plumbing issue!

Jeff got a new pair of undies!
Cousin and Uncle doing the dishes by hand and dumping the water in the yard due to a small plumbing issue!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Winter Break...
Day #5...

picked up the key to the beach overnight surprise for The Boy...
hung out at Teacha's house for a few hours...that was fun...i love her
was insane and went to Costco to pick up some pictures...what was I thinking?
came home and cleaned out some drawers and packed more boxes!
Then I convinced myself it was okay to open my present from Christie in Georgia...and I LOVE IT! It's my beautiful scarf in the picture!
exchanged two gifts with The Boy...he went overboard and got me like twenty things...he let me open three and he opened one...
I opened a heart ornament he got for our first Christmas (everyone together...awwwww), The Biggest Loser cookbook, Simple Swaps and a waterproof wallet that is pretty groovy...
We'll have to see what Christmas Eve gifts bring! I can't wait!
After a dinner of homemade pizza, we headed out to Peacock Lane. Unfortunately for us, EVERYONE in Portland had the same idea! DOH! It was still fun though!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Winter Break...
Day #4... I can't believe it's day four already!!!!
The Boy and I had an appt. at the new home to do a walk through with a fine tooth comb to make sure everything was just perfect.
We prepared my money to be spent on closing costs and down payments...
We drove to Corvallis (barf!) to see our friend Dan who just had a MAJOR surgery...he had the following done in ONE DAY! Full rhinoplasty, broken jaw and it was moved forward so he actually has a chin now, tonsils out, adnoids out, soft pallette cut, and I think that may be it...he is doing great and doesn't snore anymore!!! Wahoo!!! Can't wait to go camping again and not be awake from his snoring!
We stopped at the outlets on the way home!
We went to the B's to deliver presents that we couldn't wait to give them!
We just got home and I am about to fall asleep as I write this!
Pics of the house coming in the next post!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Winter Break...
Day #3...
Many errands...
took pics of exterior of my new house (that's fun when the sign says SOLD!)
ate lunch at Five Guys
ran to mother's for some items
dropped of a load at Goodwill...many more to come!
Went to Rose's house for Christmas with her fam...
Got some amazing gifts...
Ate some lovely food...
Came home and watched Elf!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Winter Break
Day #2
Starbucks with Teacha, hair done, dessert pizza making (okay watching HIM make it) and potluck at some friends' house. Dinner at friend's house was interesting. There was a girl...that made a cake...that was a log...she also talked a lot about her cat. For those of you that know me...I despise cats. I kind of blew it off. I had been browsing pics around the house, like I do in all houses and I saw a display of Christmas cards/pictures. One was a full on Christmas Picture. You know...that kind of the family and it's cute but not cheesy unless they are wearing ridiculous Santa hats or something. It wasn't exactly a family was a cat. One human, just a cat. It was sleeping with reindeer ears on! The side said, The Cat (can't remember it's name) was nestled all snug in her bed...I am sure the rest was something corny but I grabbed it as fast I could to show The Boy. He looked and we snickered then he asked his buddy who's card it was..."Oh Shirley (names have been changed to protect the Crazies!) sent that to us!" Well Shirley was the log cake lady in the next I flung it back onto the table as fast as I could and proceeded to laugh the whole night about it. She is a CCL..crazy cat lady!
Then we kicked butt at Wii Bowling...below is a pic of me on the couch staying clear of the cat...and of course The Boy took it while I was blowing my nose! Have I mentioned I got the usual Christmas Break sinus infection? Fourth year running...fourth year teaching...

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Winter Break...
Day #1...

December 19, 2009
Ice Racing...yes that is motor cycles, quads, go carts, and three wheelers racing around an ice skating rink. Amazing soon.
There was an Ice Queen that brought out signs for each round like in boxing...she had on MAJOR FM high heel boots and I knew she would fall at some point. It wasn't happening so I stopped watching because I was going to get so embarassed for her. Well...guess what?!?!? She pretty much bit it and save herself...

Monday, December 14, 2009
The Cankle...
So what had happened was... I was meeting Sassy and her fam at the Convention Center for this wonderful little shindig. I was alone...on the opposite side of the center (Thank the LORD!) was a bit of an icey morning...but this area is about 20 mins+ from my house, and it looked mighty fine on this side of town. I found a prime parking spot, and started my way across the street. I was 97% across when I found myself ON THE GROUND! I had no idea how I got there...I soon realize as I started to get up that I slipped and was on the ground in seconds! I didn't even know I was falling it was that fast. I heard the ONE person that was around yell if I was okay...I muttered yes and realized then that I didn't really know for sure. I stood against the lamp post for awhile making sure to not pass out from tummy was feeling woozy! Last time that happened I had a majorly broken fifth metatarcel...not fun. To make a really long story shot...I "walked it off" and stood inline for this wonderful occasion. I walked around with very minimal pain thinking I was golden. I went and played Bunco...being off of it, didn't seem like it did much good...I came home to ice and it was getting worse. Today it felt great. Minimal throbing and I was able to wear my teacher shoes! I took of the small cloth brace to find this...notice my sock socks aren't tight...I am a tad swollen!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Lunch with the Semilliams...
We had lunch with the Semilliams today...
Sass has this great app on her iPhone where it takes a pic every 5 seconds. She put it in the planter next to our table to capture our lunchtime!
My hand is the pink sleeved one. It's fun to stare at one item on the table and see what happens to it...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Dear Santa...let me explain...
So...yesterday I committed teacher suicide and had my kids write letters to Santa. In this day and age, Santa is prohibited in my class. I don't mind though. The kids can celebrate all they want to at home, but we have MANY differences at school and should respect them all!
But yesterday I had a moment of weakness. I needed to do something different for writing time so we busted these bad boys out!
As I was reading through them last night, I got to laughing very very is what it read (from what I can decipher)
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this Christmas. I might not get that much presents this year but that's okay. Thank you for all that you gave me all these years. You have been a good man all these years and this is what I want. DS games.
Love, B
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Swiney's Debut
I have to tell you the SWEETEST story ever! This week has been a tad rough for SOME of us in my class =) so this one makes me feel so good!
So today, the Swiney vaccine made it's debut at our school. About 6 kids got "the call". No clue that some kids get nasal mist and some get the shot. Dumb teacher told them all to not worry cause they were getting a mist and no shots! Oopsie! Student C comes back and would not look at me for the rest of the day because he had the shot...and Student A was in tears and needed a stuffed animal/cuddle time with Mr. Stuart for awhile. Anyway, while A was still gone, we discussed being compassionate with our classmates who were hurting and things we could say to them. So my sweet redhead takes it a step further...
Since he is student of the week, he gets to sit on the couch with a friend during carpet time...I look over only to see two students and not my redhead on the couch. Being the grouchy one I am...I ask, "why are you two on the couch?" and your boy goes "I let them sit there". He never said it was because they were feeling hurt, but I KNOW that is why he did it. HE HAS A HEART OF GOLD...I told his mama to loan me the book on how she did that!
So today, the Swiney vaccine made it's debut at our school. About 6 kids got "the call". No clue that some kids get nasal mist and some get the shot. Dumb teacher told them all to not worry cause they were getting a mist and no shots! Oopsie! Student C comes back and would not look at me for the rest of the day because he had the shot...and Student A was in tears and needed a stuffed animal/cuddle time with Mr. Stuart for awhile. Anyway, while A was still gone, we discussed being compassionate with our classmates who were hurting and things we could say to them. So my sweet redhead takes it a step further...
Since he is student of the week, he gets to sit on the couch with a friend during carpet time...I look over only to see two students and not my redhead on the couch. Being the grouchy one I am...I ask, "why are you two on the couch?" and your boy goes "I let them sit there". He never said it was because they were feeling hurt, but I KNOW that is why he did it. HE HAS A HEART OF GOLD...I told his mama to loan me the book on how she did that!
On another note...Someone MAY or MAY not have told some people that a certain teacher is preggers? How else do you expect me to get the Swiney Shot?!?!?!? Karma does happen though..I lied, therefore I had to have the shot that hurt as opposed to the Nasal Mist. Pregnant women have to have the dead vaccine not the live via the Nasal Mist. =)
Monday, December 7, 2009
I Smell Roses and Christmas Trees...
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