picked up the key to the beach overnight surprise for The Boy...
hung out at Teacha's house for a few hours...that was fun...i love her
was insane and went to Costco to pick up some pictures...what was I thinking?
came home and cleaned out some drawers and packed more boxes!
Then I convinced myself it was okay to open my present from Christie in Georgia...and I LOVE IT! It's my beautiful scarf in the picture!
exchanged two gifts with The Boy...he went overboard and got me like twenty things...he let me open three and he opened one...
I opened a heart ornament he got for our first Christmas (everyone together...awwwww), The Biggest Loser cookbook, Simple Swaps and a waterproof wallet that is pretty groovy...
We'll have to see what Christmas Eve gifts bring! I can't wait!
After a dinner of homemade pizza, we headed out to Peacock Lane. Unfortunately for us, EVERYONE in Portland had the same idea! DOH! It was still fun though!

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