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I wrote this blog to keep notes on my daily life...some is about teaching, some about just plain normal life...who am I kidding? My life is anything but plain and normal! I hope you enjoy! I love to know who is reading so leave me a comment!!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

P-Dub comes to TOWN!!!

Monday night was FINALLY here! Pioneer Woman made it to Portland for a book signing at Powell's in Beaverton. There is a group of five of us (pic below) that LOOOOVVEEEE her and her cookbook so we have made plans for a month now to go...unaware...400 others were making those same plans! After many emails back and forth about where we were hitting up happy hour before we saw her at 6:00pm...we scrapped the whole HH and headed to the book store. I arrived 3:50pm. I was number 60ish. At four thirty they passed our numbers for the signing and then you could sit down. We got seats and waited for 1.5 hours for her. Her GPS got her lost but she made it and she was SOOOO cool! She answered any questions you wanted for about 20 mins then it was book signing for the rest of the night. She is as cute as she looks and her personality is priceless. Here is a pic of my new BFF and I...(can you say WEIGHT WATCHERS?) I look horrible! But I can't not put a pic up of the BFFs!

Here is a pic of the Providence Crew waiting patiently! This darling little southern girl was in front of us and took our picture about 50 times until we were satisfied.Here is my pride and JOY!!!!
Here is a video of all the people. A picture didn't do it justice. I have never been to such a crazy event in my life! Some of these crazy women showed up with "gifts" galore for her...I won't even get into what they were...but I am sure Powell's had a full dumpster that night!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A very Hairy day...

Today was a fun day that started with an early morning call from a faithful Craigslist buyer...The Boy forgot to tell me in his half awakeness last night that he posted the push mower from his old house on "the list". Mrs. TalkVeryFast wanted to buy it 8:30 in the morning...I know I know it's not that early but for Teacher MegPie who only has the weekend in sleep past 5:15 it's early. Luckily it sold! One last piece of stuff in our garage!

Rose and I attended a lovely event called.."We got into the Adidas Employee store today due to the fact that she works for a certain Health Care System". I bought The Boy a pair of Sambas and basketball shorts to wear while he's not playing basketball as well as me a real cutie patootie jacket that I think I may be in love with. I love outfits and things that make people think I actually workout! It's devine!

BUT before the lovely event as we were turning off her street we noticed an abundance of cars on the old county road and WE NEEDED to investigate...sure enough it was something we both hold near and dear to our hearts....wait for it....ESTATE SALE!!!!!!!!!!

Can you say lamest estate sale in the whole world?????? There was NOTHING and what there was...well, let's just say it was very expensive...but what made my day was this...
in one of the bathrooms there was a gentleman that was "trying something" to see if it worked. It was an electric razor and he was trying that bad boy out on his legs! I mean I don't blame him...who wants to buy a fifty dollar razor that may or may not work?!?!?!?!

One of my favorite pieces of the sale was a picture of a rabbit (read: nothing worth anything) that was approximately 8X10 in size total and it was $12.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What in the world?!?!?!

We did not make any purchases as this sale was for Bethenny and LuAnn! =) Who am I kidding?!?!?! They don't go to estate sales!

Rose and I recovered nicely with my purchases from Adidas with a nice lunch at Deschutes Brewery in the Pearl and a quick stop at our favorite sugar shop....St. Cupcake!!!!!!!! We love that place!

For dinner we invite our friends the B's over and it was a blast as usual!

Hope you all had a great Saturday in the sun!!!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Hippity Hoppity...

Peter Cottontail didn't show up for Easter, but some VERY adorable nieces did!!! (disclaimer: I know some of you maybe wondering how I have nieces now that I am an only child...on paper, they aren't mine!)

Saturday was cold and wet but that wasn't stopping us from the egg hunting! We may have been at the lamest hunt ever!!!!! We only have one other to compare it to and let me tell you...the last one was STELLAR! The last one was at a neighborhood church near Rose's place and the girls got MOUNTAINS of candy...I mean 2 year olds NEED candy so it was totally worth it. This year we went to a park in Rose's neighborhood. They hid the didn't matter how much you got cause everyone turned their empty eggs in for a ziploc baggie full of Palmer's candy?!!?!? Apparently the economy is bad for the Easter Bunny as well as the Tooth Fairy. Yowsers!

Here is a picture of the girls right before their "hunt". You can't see them but under their hoods they have their iPods on listening to motivational podcasts! (hello 2010!) This was pre-stretch!

Here the girls are showing their egg huntin skills...not using the elbows like I taught...but we still have a few more years of hunting to master that skill!

It wouldn't be Easter or any holiday for that matter without a goofy
look from Mr. Gay!
We had brunch with the family at Beaches in Vancouver. They are very accommodating for our small party of 22 including 4 high chairs soon to be 6!
(No that wasn't a typo and no I am not pregnant!)
Thank goodness my cutie patootie Rylee got to join us from Tacoma!!! Her and I bonded...and she mastered her "top" skills...This was a "still" second...she can maneuver out of that highchair in .2 seconds flat and she doesn't stop moving EVER!!!!
And here is sweetie pie Aubrey...she wasn't fond of a whole lot of people this day so we gazed at each other from afar!
And how sweet is this picture of Adison?!?!?! I just found this in my roll(old skool!) She is stinkin cute!!!! When she got to brunch she sat on the table facing me just staring at me for like 15 minutes. The only thing that got her to change her expression was when I would "head butt" her and she butted back...then she would grin...she was the ONLY one of the 4 babies that would get their picture taken with the Bunny and didn't scream their head off...I don't blame those kids though...he was freaky lookin!

So that's brunch...apparently I didn't get a photo of the other babe...wonder if I can find one on Facebook...yes, she is on Facebook! Who isn't?!?!!

Oh I almost forgot!!! One of my favorite things about Easter...Rose gave me a copy of Pioneer Woman's COOKBOOK!!!!!!!! And Rose and some other friends and I are going to see her on April 19th!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The latest "fun" in class...

So for about a month now, my children of school have had a "new" (they totally think they made it up) joke. They walk up to someone and say, "Spell I cup"...yes, go ahead try it. I'll wait...

Then the person does it and they crack up hysterically and run away.

Well, a month later it is VERY VERY OLD...and VERY VERY ANNOYING.

Yesterday, as I was doing a chapter book read aloud and they were indulging in their mid morning snacks...I see there is a VERY small note being passed around...for those of you that forget or don't know...I teach 1st grade...the notes can't be very long due to the lack of stamina to write for one and for two...they don't know that many words!

This is what the note was...

I can't wait until "their" next joke comes up...