Monday night was FINALLY here!
Pioneer Woman made it to Portland for a book signing at Powell's in Beaverton. There is a group of five of us (pic below) that LOOOOVVEEEE her and her cookbook so we have made plans for a month now to go...unaware...400 others were making those same plans! After many emails back and forth about where we were hitting up happy hour before we saw her at 6:00pm...we scrapped the whole HH and headed to the book store. I arrived 3:50pm. I was number 60ish. At four thirty they passed our numbers for the signing and then you could sit down. We got seats and waited for 1.5 hours for her. Her GPS got her lost but she made it and she was SOOOO cool! She answered any questions you wanted for about 20 mins then it was book signing for the rest of the night. She is as cute as she looks and her personality is priceless. Here is a pic of my new BFF and I...(can you say WEIGHT WATCHERS?) I look horrible! But I can't not put a pic up of the BFFs!

Here is a pic of the Providence Crew waiting patiently! This darling little southern girl was in front of us and took our picture about 50 times until we were satisfied.

Here is my pride and JOY!!!!

Here is a video of all the people. A picture didn't do it justice. I have never been to such a crazy event in my life! Some of these crazy women showed up with "gifts" galore for her...I won't even get into what they were...but I am sure Powell's had a full dumpster that night!
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