Every other Wednesday night...for 9 months out of the year I attend a young adult support group for people that have had someone close to them die. It doesn't matter the cause or relation...it's just support. It's not therapy...just support.
The group is held at the Dougy Center in SE Portland. It is an amazing place where amazing things happen daily. It is a support center for very young children...to us very young adults.
I started going to the Dougy Center when I was a small child, age 6. My father had passed away for an unknown reason and it was a place my mother had heard of. At that point, you take any advice you can get. I am not sure who lead to her to that place...but they are amazing.
When I was 19 my sister passed away in a car accident and you can read about that here. About 7 years after I heard of the young adult group. I NEEDED to go back...so I did.
Exactly a year ago on Father's Day a tragic fire broke out at the center. The whole entire house was burned and they are having to tear it down. I remember back when I was 6...they were remodeling the basement of that place. My mother purchased a large tile in memory of my father to be put on the wall. When my leader told me about the tearing down of the house, I asked if they were going to salvage the tiles from 20+ years ago. She referred me to the director, whom I never contacted. After all, I knew of it and had seen it, but it was SOOOO important to me...I could not tell you what it looked like if my life depended on it!
3 weeks ago I got an email from my leader...
Dear MegPie,
I went digging in the basement of the house last night and I found a few tiles. One was yours. I don't know how or why it was still intact, but I have it for you.
How awesome is that?!!? So I got it last week. I do have to say it wasn't as amazing as I expected it to me...here is a pic though.

1 comment:
Wow sass, thats really cool..... Hmm you should do something special with it... But what......... Hm.....
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