Back to my story...
So every morning I have to read them the choices. Most have reviewed this with their parents prior to the day which I can appreciate more than you know! They move their clothespin with their name to the side of the tray and viola! They are done.
Sometimes there are discussions as to what the choices are. We decide according to what our friends are having...or what we may have had the day before. In the mornings I stand near the door which is closely located near the "lunch choice tray" to greet the children.
This morning the conversation went something like this...
Some kid: "Twinie, can you read me the choices?"
Twinie: "Sure, you can have a turkey sandwich with cheese on some bunz. That is choice 1 and choice 2 is a golden corndog."
Some kid: "What is a golden corndog?" (For those of your wondering, that is the exact words of the corndog choice...Golden Corndog. It should say burnt corndog...but who am I?)
Twinie: "It's golden on the outside and corny on the inside!"
Some kid: "Oh! That's what I am getting!"
Golden Corndogs make me happy!
P.S. I have a feeling Twinie will make or break most of my posts this year!
Stay tuned for his "Star Student of the Week" is a gem!
Um, call me crazy, but those corn dogs look damn good. If one volunteers on golden cord dog day - does one get a free lunc? Or, do kids these days still have cafeteria duty? Cause i'd be all over that.
I can probably arrange for volunteers to eat on golden corn dog day!
Perhaps on "Sewing with Mom" day you can join us?
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