I did get to see my camp peeps though...HOLLA!!! Man o' Man...talk about people that are a "big deal"...my camp peeps ARE a big deal. I love to brag about them!
You can read more about camp here.
Bad news though...I can't do camp next year!!!!!! My goal was every year for the rest of my life. Apparently I won't be obtaining that goal! Worst day of my life!!! Almost literally. I think most of you know how important this thing is to me. It is my sanctuary of fun, grief, healing, and eating...did I say that outloud? We eat A LOT okay people! So why can't you do camp? Is the question you are probably asking about now...
Two of my nearest and dearest are getting married!
I know I know surprise surprise...actually when I told the head honchos I couldn't do it, they sarcastically responded..."why do you have a wedding?" Why yes I do! Remember my Brother and Dr. are getting hitched! Wedding 8 people and I can't wait! That will be my new t-shirt. "#8 and I can't wait!" My goal is 12...so if you are out there thinking about asking me to be in your wedding...YOU could be part of my goal! Think about it.
Reuniting with my camp peeps makes me happy!
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