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I wrote this blog to keep notes on my daily life...some is about teaching, some about just plain normal life...who am I kidding? My life is anything but plain and normal! I hope you enjoy! I love to know who is reading so leave me a comment!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Are you married Miss MagPie?

Finally these turkeys are piping up again!

For writing we use an ever so popular writing adoption. Yes, 6 and 7 year olds can write! They are actually pretty stinkin good at it too! Maybe they have a good teacher...hmm....dunno!
Anyway, I always demonstrate a story during my lesson on my own writing then send them off to do their writing. They LOVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE writing time. I don't particularly care for it as it is very HIGH maintenance for the children that aren't so good at sounding out words! GRR!!!

Today I was writing my story on my board. It was about what I did last night. Last night I went to G and J's house to pick up a chair they let me have. I am going to repaint it and cover the seat to make a cutie cute teachers chair! I will post when and if that gets done =) Anyhow, we were sitting on the couch messing around with the dogs. J was flipping channels of the enormous tv they have. He happened to stop on The Disney Channel...IT WAS HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!!! One of the freakin best movies ever made...especially if you like to sing along! And I DO!!!
So I start singing...low and behold on the freakin screen are the words!!! Not only is it HSM but it is HSM Sing- Along!!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! HOLLA!
Next thing you know J and I are singing to it. I made him do the boy parts and me do the girl parts. As you can imagine...we were AMAZING!

So, back to school...I was telling the kids about it. They are fans of HSM so I knew they would enjoy it. What they enjoyed most was that G and J are boys! I could hear brains turning as I went back to writing my story. Please remember boys and girls have cooties in first grade... Then someone pipes up...

"Hey! Are you married Miss MagPie?" says one turkey.
"Nope she isn't", said Miss Ladybug. (she was in my class last year...they ask about 50 times a year on average about me being married)
"I thought you were," said another turkey.
"Nope...she's just a teacher! She can't be married!", replies Ladybug again.

Damn! There you have it! THE ANSWER!

Why didn't anyone tell me this before???

Funny children make me happy!

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