I have been baking! Scary thought for those of you that know me.
I was invited to one of my friend's houses last night for dinner. Me, being the so polite young adult, raised by Lydia Lou, that I am offered to bring something. Why I offer is beyond me. I mean I know it is nice and all...but geez people! I suck okay! I try I try and I try some more. I can ruin just about everything. So if you invite me for dinner and I offer...just politely say "no thanks!"
I have self diagnosed some of my cooking/baking problems. Am I willing to change them? Maybe not!
1) I am not patient...this leads to problems with frosting cakes, etc.
2) Sometimes I don't really read the whole recipe before starting...oops
3) Something is wrong with me...
The other day at a local craft store I was perusing the aisles...I found these amazing Halloween stencils for cakes. They were darling and I knew I needed them (read: another bit of junk to add to the collection). Why you ask? I dunno I just did. GOSH!
So I picked them up. I decided to make a cake for last night and then if that went well I have Wednesday Munchie duty at school so I could use it again! SCORE! Now, you are probably wondering what Wednesday Munchies is...well, some brilliant person (our school is crawling with them!) decided to brainwash us all and have everyone get into groups and bring eats every Wednesday to school. It is dumb, but we all do it. Who knows why???? You only have to do it about every other month which is great...but it is such a hassle. I mean the last thing I want to do after dispensing genius all day is bake!
Well, I am not sure last night went "well". They said it was good...and it was...they are also very nice people...they probably blessed my heart a million times as I walked to my car! The one pictured below looks great...I think. Although I can't imagine it would taste that good considering it is just cake under there. What good is cake with no frosting people?!?!?

Then I changed from cakes for Wednesday Munchies to cookies...these are my favs. Weight Watcher Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies...2 pts. each...HOLLA!!!

Leave dishes in sink for maid (read: my roommate, Matthew)
Cookies that come out well make me happy!
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