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I wrote this blog to keep notes on my daily life...some is about teaching, some about just plain normal life...who am I kidding? My life is anything but plain and normal! I hope you enjoy! I love to know who is reading so leave me a comment!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The A-Team visit...

Mother and I went to visit the A-Team, Aubrey & Adison, yesterday afternoon between their feedings. It has been insanely hot here and no one has air conditioning! The Gay's have transformed the girls' room into their cooling sanctuary!

Above is a pic of Aubrey and her Auntie Linda...

Adison on the left and Aubrey on the right...Adison is sportin her boy disguise after peeing through her diaper, onesie and Auntie Meg's shirt!

I am sweating like a donkey in this picture and I have Adison pee on my shirt...yes...she peed on me! The ultimate way to say "I love you!"

Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Gay for letting us come visit!!!!

See you soon!


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