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I wrote this blog to keep notes on my daily life...some is about teaching, some about just plain normal life...who am I kidding? My life is anything but plain and normal! I hope you enjoy! I love to know who is reading so leave me a comment!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Louie, Louie...

Last Saturday was a glorious parade day...sprinkle here and sprinkle there but nothing us Oregonians can't handle! Rose and I took her girls and their cousin to the Grand Floral Parade. For those of you not in Oregon, it is part of the Rose Festival that is a long time tradition in Portland complete with princesses, parade, dragon boat races, and carnivals! As a child, this was a family tradition. Last weekend, the memories came flooding back. It was wonderful! My favorite is ALWAYS the "One More Time Around Again" Marching Band. They are "has beens" from dance teams, baton teams, and bands. They are pretty dern cute! I am wanting to be in the dance team part, we will see when I get there! Their "famous" song is "Louie, Louie" as stated in the title this morning. I didn't get many pics as my battery started running low! Yikes!

Here is Sam and I waiting for our Starbucks drinks to return to us! Nothing like curbside service!

Here is a weirdo clown that was entertaining us while waiting for the parade to start.

This is me, Abby was the photographer...

After the parade we were starving so what better place to go then Saint Cupcake?!?!?!

Abby knows a great thing when she sees one!

Thanks Rose for a great day! Let's do it again next year!!!

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