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I wrote this blog to keep notes on my daily life...some is about teaching, some about just plain normal life...who am I kidding? My life is anything but plain and normal! I hope you enjoy! I love to know who is reading so leave me a comment!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My end again...

Hawk-A-Thon Sponsor number 2...

Jeanna is formerly reddish and darling!
Jeanna's husband is Tony. Tony and The Boy are good buddies.
Jeanna's son is Roman who is turning 1 in 1.5 weeks!
She hooked me up with my realtor.
We have A LOT in common.
She lets me help her plan her kiddos birthday party!
She puts The Boys in their place.
And she makes KILLER enchiladas!
She can throw a mean bowling ball too!'s Jeanna's birthday next week too and she will be 21!! Wahoo!

I love my Jeanna...Thank you for your sponsorship!

1 comment:

Jeanna Bomotti said...

Meghan, I am honored to be a part of your blog! I love reading about your daily ventures and find that your writing is very entertaining. Looking forward to a fun and festive holiday season with you and The Boy!

Much Love,