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I wrote this blog to keep notes on my daily life...some is about teaching, some about just plain normal life...who am I kidding? My life is anything but plain and normal! I hope you enjoy! I love to know who is reading so leave me a comment!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The End...

So...I am going to try my hardest to get caught up on my blogging...TONIGHT!  I have a TON to do..they will be out of order jus so ya know!  

Here is the last free night of Christmas Break.  We had moved ALL DAY LONG and at 4:00pm a mother in my class called to offer us Blazer tickets!  (no I don't give out my phone number, but we have a deal that if she has free tickets she calls's a win win situation...not really sure how it's a win for her but whatever!)  A perfect date to end a long day!  The Boy is wearing his new Rip City Fernandez jersey from yours truly!

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