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I wrote this blog to keep notes on my daily life...some is about teaching, some about just plain normal life...who am I kidding? My life is anything but plain and normal! I hope you enjoy! I love to know who is reading so leave me a comment!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Twas the Night Before the Wedding...

I just returned from Sass and Pookie's rehearsal dinner! What a blast those peoples are! The wedding should be rockin tomorrow.
I finally got to meet the infamous...dun dun dun....MOTHER IN LAW!
WOWSERS!!! All the stories I hear were true! Not that I didn't believe them. It was just that...I dunno, how could she be that bad? Well guess what?!?!?! SHE IS! She is like a flea on a hot Lydia would say!
ADD for adults anyone? Holy in the world did she teach? It must have driven those kids crazy!!!

The wedding party is a crazy one too! We are fun kids that is for sure! As long as we don't break any ankles...I think the dance floor will be on FIRE! It is black and white checkered for those interested.

The wedding is outside in the elements...lucky for me it isn't as hot as last weekend. Yikes! It was a hot one folks! Tomorrow should be mucho better! (that is spanish for "much better")

During rehearsal tonight I kind of made a little trademark for myself. As I walked through the tent to the main part of the ceremony...I may have did a small spin on the dance floor =) I am the first one out! I have to make some kind of good entrance!!! Any other ideas?

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